Monday, November 16, 2015

Recovery from Rape and Sexual Bondage

(This is an interview session conducted by Rufus Yamoah, Sexual Morality Counselor/Trainer, on Karyn Munyai, a Lady from South Africa who overcame years of Sexual abuse and became an Evangelist and a Sex Morality Counselor)

Can we meet you? Tell us a little about yourself and background

Karyn Munyai:  Ok, My name is Karyn Munyai. I'm 26years old, I live in South Africa, in a little township area called Soweto. I am a born again Child of God. I love God so much. He is my everything.

Have you ever being raped or sexually molested before? If yes, share with us your experience and how it happens?
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Karyn Munyai: Yes. it started when I was very young. My parents handed me over to my uncle not knowing that they are handing me to the devil himself.  He started by molesting me touching me in my private areas telling me we are just playing a game in exchange I would get goodies. Until I was 10 he started raping me each and every day, sometimes twice a day sometimes when I go Shower he would shower with me just to take pictures of me until I ran away, but because he was a police he got hold of me and I was back to that place again the rape went on until I was 24 years when he passed away that was when it stopped. Again I fell in love but was not ready for sex, the man raped me again! But I thank God for the freedom I found in Christ Jesus. I am free and happy as ever.

Why is it that so many raped victims like to keep their predicament to themselves?
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Karyn Munyai: it’s because some are scared that they won't be believed if they talk , you get scared of even just talking in general because you will think that event is happening all over again , some get threats they are told that if they talk they can get killed or something can happen to the family members.

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What are some effects of being raped?
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Karyn Munyai: There are many effects of being raped. You start hating yourself, you feel as if your body does not belong to you anymore. As for me I started hating man so much to an extend I saw man as animals. I would get scared just by looking or even if there was a man in the house I would react. So there are many effects that one gets after being raped.

What is the cause of increase of rape and sexual molestation in our society today?

Karyn Munyai: I think the cause is that most Men grow up being told that they have power over women and they can do whatever they want, but the other cause is that people have stopped praying and they lack Self control. so this society just needs to go back to God. Everyone is Equal before Him and we should learn to respect each other.

Is it through that some people actually attract rape to themselves? If true; in what ways?

Karyn Munyai: I don't think it’s true. Rape is Rape no matter what anyone says! Some men would say the way you dress really made me do what I did. NO I believe rape is rape and no man has the right to do anything to anyone who does not want it.

How can people reduce or avoid the risk of falling into rape victimization?

Karyn Munyai:  Prayer is the Key, and asking God for protection really helps, because there's no other weapon that can work besides prayer.

Can you give us your process of recovering from your struggle with rape?

Karyn Munyai: first of all saying it that I Was RAPED is the first step to healing, accepting that it happens to you really helps a lot 2. Forgiving yourself and the person who hurt you is a key! Jesus when he went to the cross he said Lord forgive them! Meaning it’s important to forgive and to forgive yourself as well 3. ask the Lord to help you deal with it. All the anger the blame the guilt you have to deal with it in order for you to move on 4. Make prayer and the bible your first healing Mechanism to you and God will never let you down.

What is your advice and help do you have for those suffering from sexual abuse?

Karyn Munyai: Talking about Helps, being silent and pretending that everything is ok does no one good especially sexual abuse. I've learn that as well until I started talking that is when freedom starts becoming real. One needs to also start thinking that you are not a Victim if you have God in you but you are a Victor.Bottom of Form

As a growing Sexual Morality Counselor, how do you plan to help people come out from Rape and other sexual struggles?Top of Form

Karyn Munyai: one on one counseling sessions will be one way of helping! Praying with that person also help. also allowing them to open up talk about their feelings also will help.

What are some lessons you have learn in life as a result of your sexual struggle and victimization?

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Karyn Munyai: I've learned that you can never be safe in this world until you make Jesus as your Lord and Savior life is life when you have Jesus with you nothing else and prayer is the only weapon that can help one deal with rape and other Sexual struggles.

Can you tell us a little on what you know about Lesbianism and marine spirit?

Karyn Munyai: Lesbianism is a spirit and the devil uses this spirit to get people. Because his main aim is to still kill and destroy so he uses this spirit to stop what God created which is marriage. So it needs to be dealt with through prayer. Lesbianism goes hand in hand with Marine spirit that is where it comes from. Marine spirit mostly is a group of spirits that want to destroy Marriages and want to cause people not to get married that's why they send out spiritual husbands and spiritual wife where those spirits ends up destroying your life.

You too can experience liberation and victory in your sexual life.

Rufus Yamoah
Sexual Purity Trainer