Thursday, September 25, 2014

Understanding the Bondage of Sexual Perversion

"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death”
                              -- (Proverbs 14:12)

What is Perversion?

According to Webster’s dictionary defines perversion as ‘diverting from the true intent or purpose; a change to something worse; a turning or applying to a wrong end or use’.
According to Free Medical dictionary, Sexual Perversion is also known as ‘paraphilia disorder’ meaning a condition where a person’s sexual urge, fantasies, impulses and behavior is abused and misused against culture, nature, social, health, religions, laws and ethics and also causing psychological /emotional harm and distress.
Bible Dictionary simply defines Perversion as ‘deviation from righteousness’.
Sexual perversion all about ‘having a wrong mentality and response towards sexual desire.    

The Bondage of Sexual Perversion   
This is a matter of Choice...

Sexual perversion is immorality in the highest order.
Sexual perversion has made humans to become even worse than animals. (Sorry to say this).
It has cause abomination and destruction to many lives.
Sexual perversion has left many young people and adult to wallow in bondage, shame and darkness.
Through sexual perversion, Satan (the Old Serpent) has twisted God’s purpose and corrupted one of Gods greatest gift to humanity—SEX .
Through sexual perversion, the abominable has become the acceptable. Sexual shame and disgrace has now become a public celebration.

The society today believes that human rights and freedom permits people to engage in whatever sexual activity that pleases them as long as it brings them immediate satisfaction and gratification.

#Sexual perversion is the fruit of false freedom, self glorification and corrupt wisdom of men.
THIS IS EVIL. (Please read Romans 1:17-32).

Types of Sexual Perversion

There are over hundred sexual perversions in the world today. Sexual opinions and activities are increasing as the days goes by.
I will only give you some of the common sexual perversions causing controversies and keeping people in deep and serious bondage.

1.      Homosexuality (Gay):            ( a male having sex with a fellow male)
2.      Lesbianism :                ( a female having sex with a female)
3.      Masturbation:            (a person having sex with his/her own self)
4.      Bestiality:       (Having sex with animals/birds )
5.      Having sex with toys and images
6.      Oral sex :         ( putting your tongue into another person’s sexual organs (vagina/penis)
7.      Finger sex:      ( putting your finger(s) into a woman’s vagina)
8.      Anal sex :        ( having sex with a person’s anus)
9.      Tran-sexuality: (changing your body//sexual organ into that of the opposite sex.
10.  Sex robbery:   ( stealing the underwear’s of an opposite sex)
11.  Incest:            (having sex with a blood relative i.e. mother, sister, cousin).
12.  Rape:               (having sex with someone against their Will)
13.  Child Sex abuse: (having sex with a child or kid)

The Power Purpose and Truth

Dr Myles Munroe says, “When a purpose is not known abuse is inevitable”.
While Jesus Christ says, ‘You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

#The doorway to sexual perversion is lack of purpose and ignorance/rejection of truth.

There is great power in understanding purpose.
Purpose brings power
Purpose brings right living.
Truth brings freedom.
Truth gives direction and knowledge.
Truth brings grace and light.

When you know the purpose of sex and you discover the truth on how to act and react to your sexual fantasies, you will have sexual freedom.

Note: Truth is Truth; it does not matter if it doesn’t have followers like Twitter or friends life Facebook!

To find the purpose of sex and the truth about sex and sexual activities, we have to seek and ask the inventor of sex –GOD.

Back to Basis
You can never discover PURPOSE AND TRUTH without first connecting with GOD.

You can never connect or network with God without first linking yourself to the WORD OF GOD—THE BIBLE.


 Live a life of freedom, joy and victory. Be free from the bondage of sexual perversion.

Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor