Monday, November 19, 2012

More Than Just Intercourse

“But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart”. – Matthew 5:28

The Simple Old Definitions  

Sexual Intercourse is a sexual activity in which a man insert is manhood (sexual organ) into a woman’s vagina.

Adultery is a sexual intercourse committed by a married person with someone he/she is not married to.

Fornication is a sexual intercourse committed by two unmarried persons.

The Concept of Sexual Immorality

The aim of this article is to redefine sexual immorality according to the perspective laid by Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 5:27-28 ( please read it) where Jesus was having an Open Air teaching seminar, He finally unfold the true concept of sexual immorality…which humans have not been able to understand or comprehend since creation.

Many people hold an archaic and shallow view and belief that sexual immorality consist only in adultery and fornication. They say only these two can be seen as sinful and illegal. They say that apart from adultery and fornication, humans can express their sexual appetite any way they feel like and it is not bad. What a painful philosophy!

People who believe that adultery and fornication is what sexual immorality is all about know nothing about sexuality!  We all need to do a rethink!

In the above scripture, Jesus is saying, “My people, sex is more than just an intercourse! “
Sexual immorality or sin is more than adultery and fornication!
Jesus is also saying , “My children, there are many ways you fall into sexual immorality apart from sexual intercourse”.
It is time to change your mindset about sexual immorality. Sexual sin is more than making love with somebody.

I want to show you some others ways we fall into sexual immorality apart from adultery and fornication. Remember, through knowledge and guidance you can win any battle (Proverbs 24:6).

1.       Masturbation: Masturbation is having sexual satisfaction with oneself by playing or rubbing your sexual organ(s). There are male masturbation, female masturbation and even group masturbation. Beware , for this is sexual immorality.

2.       Pornography: Pornography is which also known as ‘porn’ is having a sexual satisfaction through watching pictures of naked people and videos of people having sex. This is an abomination to God and your eyes. Whether, you do it with your G.SM phone, internet, VCD, magazines or any channel…please stop this destructive act!

3.       Internet/Phone Sex: This takes place when two or more persons is having sexual satisfaction by snapping and sending their nakedness to one another. Sometimes they use a computer device called ‘webcam’ in other to view each other nakedness live. They write messages with sexual contents and text it to each other. Please stop this corruption if you do it.

4.       Oral Sex: This is having sexual pleasure or satisfaction by putting your tongue or mouth in the sexual organ(s) of another person. God hate this act so much. It is devilish love expression. Please don’t engage in this.

5.       Anal Sex: This when a man get sexual satisfaction by inserting is manhood into the anus of another person, whether male or female. This is witchcraft love. Beware!!!

6.       Homosexuality: This is having sexual satisfaction by engaging in love making with a person of the same sex (gender) with you. A gay is a male having sex with another male. A lesbian is a female having sex with another female.  This is Satan's idea of mocking God. Beware of this, it will destroy your life.

7.       Spiritual Sex: There are some people who get sexual satisfaction only in the spirit world. Some engage in spiritual sex through their dreams ( having spiritual wife or husband); Astral sexual projection and travel; Some through imagination and visualization. This is demonic. Flee from this, it will only bring course into your life.

There are many, but these are some ways people engaged in sexual immorality.
Now you can see than…sex is more than just Intercourse.

You can achieve it…

Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor

Monday, October 22, 2012

Attaining Sexual Purity

“Always be clothe with White…” Ecclesiastes 9:8a

We all understand what the color White represents. It is a symbol of purity, holiness and sacredness.
White is a special and unique among of all colors. It is the color of divinity—God’s nature.
This is the very reason why God said we should be always—not sometimes or when we feel like—be clothe in white. (Read Genesis 1:27) 

Listen: The above focus scriptural verse is an advice…it is a divine command which we must obey at all cost!

What does it mean to be clothe in White?

It simply means, to always (at all time) do your best to abstain (avoid, flee) from every appearance or act of sin, filthiness, defilement, perversion, immorality or evil that could bring corruption to your life in God.
So what about sexual purity?
Sexual purity is simply a state where the human spirit, soul (mind and emotion) and body is free all sexual defilement, sin, evil or immorality.

But wait…

Is it possible for a youth or teen to attain a sexually pure life in this sex- crazy society we find ourselves?”

I know you may have a thousand reasons why it seems impossible! Yes, I quite understand how you feel, because we all know that as youths we are in period of life where our sexual hormones are most hungry to be fed and our sexual muscles are most seeking to exercise its abilities.

Despite all these…


Take a look at Revelation 3:14 which say, “Yet you a FEW PEOPLE in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with Me, dressed in White, for they are WORTHY”.

In the crowd of sexual immorals, in the society that is crippled by sexual infestation and in the church of sexual hypocrites…there are FEW PEOPLE who attain sexual purity!

These few people have made up their mind to walk with God like Enoch, Noah and Daniel and never to compromise their stand no matter their corruption of their generation.

**Don’t say every one is doing it. Nobody will file a lawsuit against you if you don’t! You don’t have to say yes to the crowd. Be part of the worthy few that say NO to sexual sin**

Sexual immorality will only soil (defile) your cloth (glory, life) and destroy your walk with God. It will only invite dishonor, disapproval, failure and shame into your life.

Can God count you to be worthy?

Do you want to live a life full of favor, honor, blessings and abundance…

…the secret is in attainment of sexual purity.

Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Understanding the Power of Sexual Seduction

“…Understanding will GUARD you…” Proverbs 2:11b

The Power of Understanding

In all your getting…GET UNDERSTANDING!

Understanding gives you insight into hidden mysteries, knowledge and wisdom.
Understanding makes you to be vigilant, alert and watchful.
Understanding gives you light, direction and positive destination.

Many people have fell, and are falling into the prey of sexual immorality because of lack of this all important treasure called UNDERSTANDING.

William Shakespeare once said “the world is a theatre”.
Well, he might not be far from the truth when we look at the great deceptions, lies, masquerades, drams, paintings, art, seduction and mind games that has crippled our world today. 

The art of seduction has become one of the most potent weapons of success in this generation.
People use it to achieve success in business, marketing, job, family, marriage, relationship, academy, sex…I mean virtually everything!

Truth, sincerity, righteousness and integrity have become an ancient house that nobody is willing to live in.
“Oh! How the people have been destroyed.
For they have all left the ancient house”.

Remember SAMSON…

Samson in the bible was a man of great power and influence. He was, in his time, a Judge and Leader of God’s holy people Israel.
Samson had everything, but he lacked one valuable…and that is, UNDERSTANDING.
This was what brought his total destruction.

You see; lack of understanding is really tragic.
In the school of seduction, if your opponent lacks understanding of what you are up to, you are sure to capture him/her.
If you have understanding of sexual seduction, you are 80% sure you can achieve sexual purity and overcome sexual immorality.

Delilah, the woman who Samson fell in love with, was a master in the art of sexual seduction. She carouse Samson into revealing the secrets of his power, which eventually brought his downfall and destruction. (Read the full story in Judges 16, 17).

What is Sexual Seduction?

Sexual seduction in a simple term is “the art or ability of driving, persuading and inducing a person (s) into having sexual intercourse or pleasure with you.
It has to do with some cleverly constructed enticements, inducement, manipulations or control when practicing seduction.

Let me show you some few ways that will impart in you understanding and equip you to become more alert, aware and watchful against sexual seduction.

1.       The power of dressing: Every dressing has a hidden or expressing purpose. So also a seducer and her dressing.  If you understand the way a seducer dresses you will know his/her intent towards you. This is the first signal you must flee or guard against. You can almost tell when or if a person wants to have sex with you through his/her dressing. Be wise. (Read Prov. 7:10).

2.       The power of Kissing: Don’t play with this at all. When a lady or a guy kisses you, it’s a signal that he/she is ready to have sex with you. There is a great seducing power in kissing. If you want to overcome sexual immorality… please don’t flirt with kissing! I’m sorry but I have to tell you the truth. (Read Prov. 7:13).

3.       The power of free gifts: Free gifts can always lead to sexual favor or compensation. It is truly said that “gift blinds the eyes of a man”.  Too many gifts from the opposite sex may have a sexual intent behind it. But the pain is that, before you may realize yourself, you might have become another sexual casualty! Free gifts have great seducing power and it can make you submit easily to sexual pressure from the opposite sex who gives the gifts. Be cautious and sensitive. Remember the old saying, “There is no free launch!” (Read Prov. 7:14-17).

4.       The power of flattery words: Words are the most powerful weapon in the human community. Flattery words are like arrows that pierce into your human Will, mind and emotion and make you vulnerable to sexual perversion, immorality and filthiness. When you are getting too many praises from a particular opposite sex, watch it! Understand that not every word you hear is genuine heart-felt expression.  Flattery words can lead you sexually astray. Sometimes they will use sexually motivated conversation to lure or seduce you. Be smart. (Read Prov. 7:21).

5. The Power of Dancing: Ladies are very good at using the tactic to lure any man who is not careful. If you don't want to be seduce don not go into dancing. This is really powerful. dancing has a great effect in the human emotion and it can influence our heart greatly.

6. The Power of Eye contact: Eyes is the greatest doorway to seduction and lust. people have been charmed and captured into sexual immorality through eye contact or long gazing. When a person is looking at you too much, you need to know there is a sexual seed they want to transfer inside of you. (Prov. 6:25).

Understanding the powers behind sexual seduction is a major key to achieving success in this our sexually infested environment.
Take this six powers I have exposed to you seriously and let them guard you in your relationships and daily living.

You can achieve it
Live the sexual morality world.

Rufus Yamoah
Sexual Morality Counselor.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Emotional Force of Sexuality

“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder, adulteries, fornication, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies.”
                                                            --Matthew 15:19

The heart is the Human Emotional Control Center (H.E.C.C).

Our heart determines and dictates our emotional moods, response and feelings.

The heart is the most powerful force of all the make-ups in the human body.
It is the driver…wherever it goes, everything else just have to conform.

The heart is the mother of all emotional responses or reactions—whether good or bad—to life, circumstances and people.

A healthy heart produces a healthy emotion; a sick heart produces an unhealthy emotion. It’s a simple as 1+1=2!

The bible understand that the heart is the H.E.C.C (I hope you know what I mean) that is while it warns that “guide your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life”. (Proverbs. 4:23).

All sexual issues like fornication, adultery, homosexuality, prostitution, sexual protests, rape, womanizing, masturbation, pornography and so on, where all, at first, was produced and nurtured in the heart before it became physical evidence!

>>>The emotional force of sexuality is the HEART<<<
If you can guide it in the way of holiness, righteousness and the fear of God, you will produce and experience sexual liberty, purity and morality.

Now; I want to reveal to you some negative emotional forces that can become a doorway to sexual immorality. You must guide against these emotions and feelings…

  1. Depression: For some people, when they feel downcast and sad they fall into sexual pleasure as a tool for their comfort. Depression is a doorway to prostitution and womanizing.

  1. Rejection/Loneliness: Some people use sex as a bridge to cover their feeling of loneliness. This negative force is a doorway to sexual issues like masturbation and pornography.

  1. Anger and Frustration: For some people, when they get cut up in this feelings, they get into dangerous sexual activity like rape, cyber bullying, child abuse and even sexual protest.

  1. Low Self Esteem/Poor Self Image: A lot of people with these negative feelings about themselves may end up with sexual activity like internet sex, homosexuality and even masturbation.
  1. Infatuation: Even if this looks like a positive emotion, the truth is that it is false appearance of love which eventually gives birth to lust and then Lust will lead to sexual activity. When infatuation is not dealt it, you may end up in fornication, romance, oral or anal sex, fingering and even sexual addiction.

These are but a few emotional forces in the heart that can become doorway to sexual corruption and immorality if not properly checked and guided.

Guide your heart so that it can produce the positive emotion of faith, holiness, hope, grace, peace and self control.

Live the Sexual morality life

Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor