Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Pursuit of Sexual Purity in this Present World

Sexual Purity Is Expensive!
It comes at a great cost.

 As people work very hard to attain financial and academic excellence, so must you work, even labor very had to attain sexual purity.
 Great discipline, great focus, great determination, great prayers, great watchfulness and great grace: all these are basic essentials in the quest for sexual purity.

 We live in a sexually explicit generation; therefore the challenge of sexual purity has indeed become a herculean aspiration. This difficulty and struggle with sexual orientations and addictions arises from the sexual saturation of modern secularism/civilization. As the Arab world is passionate for blood and terror, the west is crazy about sex and nakedness.
 If you want a headline to make national impact quickly, then communicate it through the channel of nudity.

Nudity is settling well with the world of commerce, the entertainment industry, the world of fashion, and very strange enough: the political world.
Today in the western world, it is no longer archaic for civilized people to match the street, in their thousands, all in the nude, just to make a political point.

This sudden change in human social order has taking the character of a complete revolution. I like to call it the sexual revolution. This revolution as you can see is not just the brain child of a brilliant college professor; it represents the final agenda of the dark kingdoms, which control the flow of human civilization.
You will understand what I mean, when you sit and ponder why a president will make the issue of sexual orientation/revolution the major thrust of his administration's governing policy. He had to threaten other world sovereign states with denial of essential state benefits for this very reason.

The internet today is over loaded with heavy sexual content. With immoral filth popped at the face of civilized humanity, the world is now saturated with all kinds of blood sucking demons that enslave people through sexual impurity and reduce men and women to mere slaves and tools of sexual entertainment.

Friends because of the sexually explicit and morally decadent nature of this generation, you must take deliberate steps and make concerted effort to be completely free from this monster of sex enslavement.

Sexual immorality and impurity has become Satan's number one weapon against humanity today.
 It attacks everything that represents morality and godliness.

The sexual revolution of the 21st century is anti Christ, anti God, and anti humanity.

 It is Satan's final strategy against God and man. It has done more damage to modern civilization than any other contrived vice known to mankind. The whole world is stunned at the total collapse of morality in the western world, particularly in the United States of America. With over sixty million recorded abortions in the space of a year, the total collapse of the traditional human family system, coupled with the radical but satanic redefinition of the marriage act, a generation has arisen, which has no inclination of the sacredness or the sanctity of the sexual act, let alone the possibility of sexual purity.

 This sex crazy generation has lost every known restraint and has fallen headlong into the horrendous lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorrah, the madness of a cursed people, a generation of vipers and lovers of pleasure.

Friends, sexual purity is a function of great resolve, great dexterity and great maturity.
 It is serious work.
To attain sexual purity in a sex crazy generation, you must be ready to pay a great prize.
 It comes at the greatest cost because it yields an equally great dividend.

Firstly, it gives you the blessed status of gold; you become a vessel unto honor meet or fit for God's highest purposes in your life.
You will not be found unfit to carry out the mandate upon your destiny. Both Daniel and Joseph became excellent case studies of the power and benefit of sexual purity. Although it comes at the greatest cost, yet until you excel that test, you will not amount to anything with God.

Do all in your strength to flee sexual impurity; it is Satan's greatest weapon against fallen humanity.

 In the human nature, sex pleasure is the greatest, but in the divine nature it is nothing but empty pleasure when done out of marriage context.

Therefore I say. “Walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh”. (Galatians 5:16)

 More grace.

(Written by Newman Chilbuihe, a Pastor and Sexual Purity Minister. Edited by Rufus E. Yamoah)

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