-- (Proverbs 27:6b)

Wow! This is really a sensitive but interesting subject.
The issue of Kissing has really raised a lot of noise
and stirred up controversy among the minor and elite circles.
Everyone has his/her own opinion and experience.
let’s get this straight: Life is not determined by your opinions; it is determined
The truth must be told and lies and myths must be buried.
What is Kissing?
In a general and simple term, ‘kissing is an act or
process whereby a person uses the lips as a mark of love or greeting towards
someone or something’.
There are different kinds of kissing. Kissing can be
express in different ways.
More so, kissing means different things to different
Much as this subject has been influenced so much by
nature and nurture, I wouldn’t want to dabble into an unnecessary controversy
thereby loosing focus of my priority.
In short; I just want to address the issue of
mouth-to-mouth kissing.
Mouth-to-mouth kissing in simple practical term means ‘a
form of kissing where by a person uses his/her lips to make contact with
another person’s lips as a mark of expressing love and soul connection.
When it comes to the subject of sex and sexuality,
kissing is a very big topic.
The effect of mouth-to-mouth kissing to the human
body can never be overemphasized.
Kissing is the most powerful force that activates or
releases our sexual hormones and passion.
When we engage in kissing, it creates
a strong urge in us to have sex.
Kissing (whether casual or serious) is an effective tool
for seduction and manipulation.
Kissing creates an atmosphere for sexual
Kissing is the preparation ground for sexual intercourse.
The Truth must be told
Kissing is the major channel through which the spirit of
deception operates against people.
Through kissing (I mean mouth-to-mouth), an evil poison called
‘lust’ is released into our mind and heart, thereby causing us to become
carnal. (Romans 8:7)
Don’t deceive yourself: if you are not ready for sex, do
not engage in the game of kissing. Kissing is the bus that will take you to a
destination called ‘Sexual Intercourse’.
Kissing is a powerful doorway to sexual immorality. If
you don’t want to be the next victim of fornication, please don’t tempt
yourself with the game of kissing.
A young lady said to me, “I am in a relationship, and I
agree not to have sex, but I will be kissing”.
Well… actually a lot of people claim nothing is wrong,
yet thousands of people are falling sexual victim in per second billing.
Let me tell you: Kissing is as powerful as sexual
Through kissing (whether, deep or long kissing), people achieve
sexual climax and satisfaction even without sexual intercourse.
Now; if this is true… then mouth-to-mouth kissing is a
sinful act much as fornication is. PERIOD!
In relationship, dating or friendship with someone, when
you treat kissing as casual or nothing, it may lead you into the pit of sexual
Wisdom says that: whatever that will lead you into sin do
not engage in it.
Be Wise… be Smart… Flee!
Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor