“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder,
adulteries, fornication, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies.”
The heart is the Human Emotional Control Center (H.E.C.C).
Our heart determines and dictates our emotional moods,
response and feelings.
The heart is the most powerful force of all the make-ups in
the human body.
It is the driver…wherever it goes, everything else just have
to conform.
The heart is the mother of all emotional responses or
reactions—whether good or bad—to life, circumstances and people.
A healthy heart produces a healthy emotion; a sick heart
produces an unhealthy emotion. It’s a simple as 1+1=2!
The bible understand that the heart is the H.E.C.C (I hope you
know what I mean) that is while it warns that “guide your heart with all
diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life”. (Proverbs. 4:23).
All sexual issues like fornication, adultery,
homosexuality, prostitution, sexual protests, rape, womanizing, masturbation,
pornography and so on, where all, at first, was produced and nurtured in the
heart before it became physical evidence!
>>>The emotional force of sexuality is the
If you can guide it in the way of holiness, righteousness
and the fear of God, you will produce and experience sexual liberty, purity and
Now; I want to reveal to you some negative emotional forces
that can become a doorway to sexual immorality. You must guide against these
emotions and feelings…
- Depression: For some people, when they feel downcast and sad they fall into sexual pleasure as a tool for their comfort. Depression is a doorway to prostitution and womanizing.
- Rejection/Loneliness: Some people use sex as a bridge to cover their feeling of loneliness. This negative force is a doorway to sexual issues like masturbation and pornography.
- Anger and Frustration: For some people, when they get cut up in this feelings, they get into dangerous sexual activity like rape, cyber bullying, child abuse and even sexual protest.
- Low Self Esteem/Poor Self Image: A lot of people with these negative feelings about themselves may end up with sexual activity like internet sex, homosexuality and even masturbation.
- Infatuation: Even if this looks like a positive emotion, the truth is that it is false appearance of love which eventually gives birth to lust and then Lust will lead to sexual activity. When infatuation is not dealt it, you may end up in fornication, romance, oral or anal sex, fingering and even sexual addiction.
These are but a few emotional forces in the heart that can
become doorway to sexual corruption and immorality if not properly checked and
Guide your heart so that it can produce the positive emotion
of faith, holiness, hope, grace, peace and self control.
Live the Sexual morality life
Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor
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